Solo tramper spends night in bush after weather defers helicopter rescue

An injured solo tramper spent a night in the Nelson bush after a helicopter rescue attempt was deferred due to bad weather.

In an emailed statement, the Rescue Coordination Centre (RCC) said the tramper activated their beacon in the Red Hills south-west of Nelson at 8pm on Tuesday but due to their location it took a while to narrow down the area.

The Wellington Rescue Helicopter was then tasked with retrieving the tamped, as it was the closet available chopper, the RCC said.

Due to inclement weather in the area, the helicopter had to take an alternative route and once in the area they located the tramper after seeing a flashing light in the bush below.

However, due to the terrain, conditions and location; it was decided it was too difficult to undertake a night winch rescue.

At first light on Wednesday morning, the Nelson Rescue Helicopter was tasked to take in a LandSAR team of three and at the same time the Wellington Rescue Helicopter was sent in to re-locate the beacon.

When the Wellington Rescue Helicopter arrived, it decided it was able to winch up the tramper, who was then transported them to Nelson Hospital with minor injuries.

An RCC spokesperson said the call-out highlighted the importance of trampers carrying beacons.

“Whether it is one you own, or like in this occasion, a beacon you have hired from a retail store, everyone planning to head out over the next couple of months should ensure they have enough food, the right equipment and a way to call for help if they get into trouble.”



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